Sunday, April 22, 2012


For inspiration, I follow a wonderful set of bloggers in public relations and many other fields. John Haydon is one of my favorites. He writes about social media marketing for nonprofits. His advice is always personable, practical and sometimes poignant.

Recently, he shared a brief video about social media problem-solving for a nonprofit client. His client struggled to get a passionate spokesperson using technology to share their inspiration. Technology intimidated the spokesperson. They didn’t like Twitter, Facebook or most other social media but as Haydon said, they did know how to use e-mail.

Haydon devised a smart solution. He enabled the spokesperson to use e-mail to post to Facebook. A simple “fix” opening the door for valuable communication to support the client's cause.

While that simple solution alone is worth noting, near the end of the video, Haydon shares some more brilliant PR 2.0 advice worth repeating: “Don’t let technology be a hurdle. Inspiration comes first. Technology comes last. Inspiration gets in the front seat. Technology gets in the back seat.”

Such great advice for so many PR 2.0 situations! You can see Haydon’s video below:

It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by social media or technology choices. You know the conversations?

“I tried Twitter and I didn’t see the point of it.”
“Facebook is just for family and friends.”
“I heard that all the big retailers are abandoning Facebook for Pinterest.”
“I don’t understand Tumblr,,, Storify, Google+, Flickr and all the other new social media. Which one should I choose? How can I use them all?”

My advice to clients or PR pros overwhelmed by social media choices is similar to Haydon. “First, do one or two social media things well. The rest follows.”

Don’t be paralyzed. Be proactive.

What’s your experience? Which channels are working well for you and which ones have you abandoned?

By: MROPE, Hassan

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