About Us

What we do

Group Number one Blog provides a unique platform for St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) students to voice their views and offer their events happening around their campuses. It is a platform dedicated to the creation knowledge by sharing of information and ideas on the issues that face students with regards to their life styles in their campuses and during their activities throughout the learning period.

Why we publish

Aim is to inform, educate and entertain students of SAUT and society in general on various issues happening around Campus and outside campus but only concerning SAUT students. Students have platform through this blog to publish their events and activities that will contribute to their development and society.
We aim to be a leading store for sharing and expanding knowledge on appropriate information in SAUT.

Who are the target readers

Students of St. Augustine University of Tanzania.


Creating an environment where students with energy, creativity and commitment work together to fulfill ambitious goals.


We are the upcoming effective, growing, supportable student’s blog.  We will work to generate a better future society. We will help students to educate, inform, entertain and get more out of their studies that are good for them and for others. We will inspire students to take small everyday actions that can add up to a big difference for the society and the World in general. We will develop new ways of publishing news and events about students and their learning life in general.


: Imperative Honesty
: Insist on Transparency
: Initiate Credibility
: Influence Responsibly

Who Contributes (Our team)

Our team consists of  group number one members who will gather, analyze and publish articles as well as sharing their thoughts and experiences with you. Nonetheless on many times you will find blog posts from guest authors who express their wish to contribute to a certain topic. If you think you have the right skills, knowledge and experience and you wish to share it with others, then you are most welcome. Send your profile to the chief editor on the email to:group01pr3 @gmail.com

Group Number One
Public Relations and Marketing Third Year.
P. o. Box 307
Calls: +255 713 441 892, +255 718 858 172.
Email: group01pr3@gmail.com , Website: www.group01pr3.blogspot.com

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